Start Making Movies education licence
Start Making Movies is a step-by-step introduction to filmmaking, written in clear and accessible language. It's highly visual, with hundreds of illustrations: photos, screenshots, film stills and diagrams. Includes links to online movies and downloadable film planning templates.
This education licence allows you to:
- Share Start Making Movies with all students and staff based at a single school site
- Provide it to your current students and staff to read on their own devices
Contents include:
- The five stages of filmmaking
- What you need
- How films tell stories
- Planning and filming your shots
- Using different lenses and zoom settings
- Light and colour
- Using movement in your movie
- Planning, recording and editing sound
- Sequence: using shots together
- Coverage: getting all the shots you need
- Continuity: filming sequences that look natural
- How to film six key types of scene
- Editing and sharing
- Is your movie finished? What to check
- Fifteen ideas for fiction movies
- Glossary
Tom Barrance has over 25 years' experience of teaching film and filmmaking. He runs the filmmaking website and created the film education resources 'Making Movies Make Sense' and 'EditClass'.
PDF book
21.1 MB
163 pages
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